Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Hueco Wall @ the Druids!

If my memory serves me, this is the Kojak Boulder. These Huecos were so big that Bob Bradford could cuddle inside the lower one on the far left. These climbs were all pretty good, but the one on the far left was classic. All v3, all nice, and all at the Druids, a steamy and steep 40-minute hike up the mountains ringing Bishop. Posted by Picasa

Green Meanie!

This beautifully green corner is actually a sloping monster with a great gastoning finishing move! Highly recommended, but highly difficult to find if the sand levels aren't just right...

Alex and Bradford watched on while I climbed this, then tried themselves. All the while we were worried about the surf and the tide, which inched closer every moment. A most titilating experience. Posted by Picasa